Previous Address
(If less than 2 years at present address)
Proof of identity & legal authority to work in the U.S.A. is a condition of employment
Leadership Positions
Please give accurate, complete full-time and part-time information. Start with your present or most recent employer.
Dates Employed
Dates employed
I authorize the Hartford Golf Club (HGC) or its designed agent(s) to:
1. Investigate the truthfulness of all statements made on my application.
2. Contact my former employers & any other persons who can verify information
3. Discuss the results of any investigation with employees or agents involved in the hiring process
I affirm that all information in this application in true and complete. Any misrepresentation, false statement, or omission of facts called for shall be grounds for refusal of employment or, if hired, dismissal from employment. I understand that any violation of company rules, policies, standards, and/or procedures shall be grounds for dismissal. I agree to confirm to the rules, policies, standards & regulations of the Hartford Golf Club. I understand that my employment and compensation can be terminated with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time the option of the Hartford Golf Club or myself, and I understand that no representative of the company has the authority to make any modifications, either verbally or in writing to the contrary.
It is the policy of the Hartford Golf Club to hire U.S. citizens and aliens who are lawfully authorized to work in the United States. All employees will be asked to verify employment eligibility prior to beginning any work.